Internal information system
The internal information system is a tool that allows reporting possible illegal and/or illicit activities via the Internet.
It is therefore a means of fighting fraud that preserves the identity of the person who makes the communication and also incorporates tools to guarantee the rights of the people who are reported.
The objective of the internal information system is to raise awareness among all persons related to the Foundation so that, in the event of certainty or well-founded suspicion that illicit conduct is being committed within the Foundation, related to the catalogue of criminally relevant actions listed in this document, they confidentially forward said communication, so that it can be investigated.
Its purpose is to ensure that, if an action occurs that may pose a criminal risk, it can be treated in a professional and confidential manner, adopting the appropriate measures to protect the interests of the Foundation, the informant and ensure effective compliance with the law.
This internal information system incorporates mechanisms that guarantee the confidentiality of all information and offers a secure communication space to maintain contact with FISABIO and allow interaction between it and informants anonymously.
Procedure for receiving and managing information or communications