Fisabio’s Transparency Portal is a tool to provide and disseminate truthfully information related to the services the foundation provides and its management, guaranteeing transparency and the right to free access to public information.
- Law 19/2013, dated December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance
- Generalitat Law 2/2015, dated 2 April, on Citizen Participation in the Comunitat Valenciana
- Regional Government Decree 105/2017, dated 28 July, implementing Generalitat Law 2/2015, dated 2 April, on transparency and regulating the Council for Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance (DOGV no. 8118, dated 08/09/2017).
Last update of the Fisabio Foundation Transparency portal: 08/08/2024
Update frequency: semi-annually, except if an update is needed to comply with current regulations.
Managed by the Economic, Legal-HR and Communication departments.