Catalálogo biobancos

Red Valenciana de Biobancos
Spanish biobank registry
IBSP-Unidad H.Arnau de Vilanova
Disease group (categories)
Title of the collection
Lung Cancer
Description of the collection
Lung cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in the world (in the year 2035 more than 40,000 cases are expected in Spain alone). Before the intervention, a preoperative study must be carried out, which normally consists of a blood and coagulation test, plus an electrocardiogram and spirometry. After the intervention, the appropriate treatment is carried out and at the end it is necessary to carry out periodic follow-up reviews where chest X-rays, abdominal ultrasound and bronchoscopy are performed, as well as another analysis to assess the functioning of the organs.For this reason, we find it interesting to incorporate plasma samples collected in blood tests performed on lung cancer patients into the biobank.
Type of samples
Plasma, Tissue_(frozen)
Disease code (SNOMED CT/ICD-10/ORPHA)
Aliquot size (order of magnitude)
1.000 - 10.000
Donor size (order of magnitude)
100 - 1.000
Age range (years old)
28 - 92
Male, Female
Type collection
Sample collection, Disease specific
Categorie data
Biological samples