Proyectos Internacionales

La Unidad de Proyectos Internacionales, tiene como objetivo fomentar la participación de los investigadores de la entidad en proyectos  de mayor envergadura y de carácter internacional a través de las siguientes actividades:

  • Búsqueda y difusión de convocatorias de ayudas europeas e internacionales.
  • Apoyo a los investigadores en la preparación de propuestas y formación de consorcios.
  • Facilitar el establecimiento de contactos con socios potenciales para proyectos y redes internacionales de cooperación e investigación.
  • Gestión integral de documentación administrativa requerida por la entidad financiadora.  
  • Seguimiento presupuestario del proyecto de investigación.

Si eres investigador de Fisabio y necesitas el apoyo ofrecido por la Unidad de Proyectos Internacionales, contacta vía email al siguiente correo:

Proyectos internacionales: 

Nombre  Descripción  Programa  IP Periodo
EUCanScreen Implementation of cancer screening programmes EU4H Ana Molina Barceló 2024
MELIORA Multimodal Engagement and sustainable Lifestyle Interventions Optimizing breast cancer Risk reduction supported by Artificial intelligence Horizonte Europa Ana Molina Barceló 2024
SUNRISE SUstaiNable inteRventions and healthy behavIours for adoleScent primary prEvention of cancer with digital tools Horizonte Europa Ana Molina Barceló  2024
HORUS Health Outcomes from Raised Urban Settings Horizonte Europa  Milagros Rocha Barajas 2024
ENDOMIX Understanding how endocrine disruptors and chemical mixtures of concern target the immune system to trigger or perpetuate disease Horizonte Europa Sabrina Llop Pérez 2024
OriON Joint Action on Contribution to the Cancer Inequalities Registry to Monitor National Cancer Control Policies EU4H Ana Molina Barceló  2024
JAPreventNCD JA Cancer and other NCDs prevention action on health determination EU4H Rosana Peiró Pérez 2024
RELECOV 2.0 Consolidation of WGS and RT-PCR activities for SARS-CoV-2 in Spain towards sustainable use and integration of enhanced infrastructure and processes in the RELECOV network EU4H Fernando González Candelas 2023
PROTECT-EUROPE Vaccinating Europe to protect against the cancers caused by HPV EU4H Javier Díez Domingo 2023
InnDIH Valencia Region Digital Innovation Hub Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)  Maria Prada Marcos 2023
MOM2CHILD Impact of maternal nutritional status and microbiota on child anthropometric and metabolic development Horizonte Europa Pilar Francino Puget 2023
SchoolFood4Change (SF4C) Shifting school meals and schools into a new paradigm by addressing public health and territorial, social and environmental resilience H2020 Joan Carles Escrig 2022
PHOTONGATE Development of photonic multi-sensing systems based on molecular-gates biorecognition and plasmonic Horizonte Europa  Xavier López Labrador  2022
Health4EUkids Joint Action for the implementation of best practices and research results on Healthy Lifestyle for the health EU4H Rosana Peiró Pérez 2022
CAN.HEAL Building the EU Cancer and Public Health Genomics platform EU4H Ana Molina Barceló  2022
BUMPER Boosting the Usability of the european union Mobile aPp for cancEr pRevention EU4H Ana Molina Barceló  2022
PARC European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals  Horizonte Europa Clara Coscollà Raga 2022
TB-RECONNECT Reconnecting transmission to global tuberculosis control by mapping pathogen transmission events to host infection status H2020 Llúcia Martinez Priego 2021
PROMISE Preparing for RSV Immunisation and Surveillance in Europe H2020 Javier Díez Domingo 2021
SMILES Streptococcus dentisani's Antimicrobial Peptides: New Strategy Against Oral Diseases of Microbial Origin H2020 Ainhoa Revilla Guarinos 2020
ATHLETE Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation H2020 Sabrina Llop Pérez 2020
Trials@Home Center of Excellence - Remote Decentralised Clinical Trials H2020 Javier Díez Domingo 2019
ConcepTION Building an ecosystem for better monitoring and communicating safety of medicines use in pregnancy and breastfeeding: validated and regulatory endorsed workflows for fast, optimised evidence generation H2020 Clara Cavero Carbonell 2019
VITAL Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in the Ageing PopuLation H2020 Javier Díez Domingo 2019