UCIE Objectives

3 main objectives have been established:

➥ Objective 1.

Promotion of public-private collaboration for innovation in health topics in the Valencian Community. To this end, new activities and projects will be promoted with the agents of the Valencian Innovation System with which the Fisabio Foundation already collaborates actively in programs such as UniSalut or SaforSalut. In addition, the establishment of new collaborations with other entities and companies in the Valencian Community will be encouraged, generating new synergies and enhancing the development of innovations.

➥ Objective 2.

Promote the development of training for companies and research entities in the health sector. The Fisabio Foundation has a large regional network of hospitals that cover different areas of knowledge, this expertise can be useful for companies and entities in the development of their products and services in health. Therefore, among other activities, through UCIE, Fisabio will be able to participate in projects of companies and entities providing knowledge in the health sector and accelerating initiatives that can be implemented in the health system.

➥ Objective 3.

Visibilize the innovative activity related to health topics in the Valencian Community. In order to position the Valencian Region in the development of innovation in health, communication and dissemination activities of the innovation developed within the framework of UCIE will be carried out. To this end, a brand image has been designed to give UCIE its own identity and help make public-private collaboration activities more visible.