Catalálogo biobancos

Red Valenciana de Biobancos
Spanish biobank registry
IBSP-Unidad Salud Pública
Disease group (categories)
Respiratory disease
Title of the collection
Description of the collection
With this collection, it is intended to assess whether the sensitivity to suffering flu symptoms is influenced by the lack of a human antimicrobial peptide or its lack of functionality. The working hypothesis is that a factor by which certain individuals are more resistant to suffering the symptoms of infection by the influenza virus is due to the fact that they possess this protein in greater amounts or that its foundation is different due to its gene sequence. In order to address each of the possible causes of deficiency or lack of functionality of this protein, samples of buccal mucosa and unstimulated saliva will be taken from individuals with clear flu symptoms.
Type of samples
Nasa_l swab, Nasopharyngeal_exudate, Saliva
Disease code (SNOMED CT/ICD-10/ORPHA)
Aliquot size (order of magnitude)
100 - 1.000
Donor size (order of magnitude)
100 - 1.000
Age range (years old)
12 - 92
Male, Female
Type collection
Sample collection, Prospective study
Categorie data
Biological samples