Catalálogo biobancos

Red Valenciana de Biobancos
Spanish biobank registry
Fundación IVO
Disease group (categories)
Title of the collection
Solid tumors
Description of the collection
Collection of more than 20000 samples from different oncologic pathologies and compound with differents type of sample. The samples has been collected during the routine diagnostic of patient through specific sample collection circuit or by diagnostic surpluses. Colleccion of more than 200 samples of smokers healthy patients from screeingn lung cancer unit of the hospital.
Type of samples
Buffy_Coat, Cell_lines, DNA, Frozen_OCT embbeded tissue, Peripheral_ blood_ cells_ (PBMCs), Plasma, RNA, Serum, Tissue_(fresh), Tissue_(frozen), Tissue_(paraffin preserved), Tissue_(stained sections/slides), Urine
Disease code (SNOMED CT/ICD-10/ORPHA)
(C10-C14),C16,C18,C19,C20,C22,C25,C32,C33,C34,C43,C44,C51,C53,C54, C54.1,C61,C62,C64,C68,C81,C82,C83,C84,C85,C86,(D00-D09)
Aliquot size (order of magnitude)
10.000 - 100.000
Donor size (order of magnitude)
10.000 - 100.000
Age range (years old)
1 - 104
Male, Female, Undefined
Type collection
Sample collection, Case-Control, Cross-sectional, Hospital, Quality control, Longitudinal, Prospective study
Categorie data
Treatment protocol (types of drugs used)