Privacy Policy

Identity of the data controller

Owner: Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (hereinafter, "FISABIO")

Address: Avda. de Catalunya 21, 46020 Valencia

CIF: G98073760

Registration: Registry of Foundations of the Valencian Community, num 501 V


Contact email:

DPO: Data Protection Officer of the Generalitat (DPD)

Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation.

Paseo de la Alameda, 16. 46010 Valencia Tel 961922421

In accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data, and any other relevant and current applicable legislation, the user is informed that the personal data provided will be processed by the controller solely for the purposes described in the corresponding form or contract.

Registration for courses/events

If you have filled out the registration forms for the different courses and events organised by FISABIO on the website, we inform you that, in accordance with the provisions of data protection legislation, the personal data provided will be processed by FISABIO for your registration in the courses and events organised by FISABIO, for the management of these, as well as to manage the sending of certificates of attendance to them, FISABIO relying on the consent of the interested party when filling out and sending the form and checking the box accepting this Privacy Policy.

We also inform you that your personal data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to meet your request, as long as you do not revoke your consent or exercise the rights of deletion or opposition, and without prejudice to its conservation while the legal obligations applicable to FISABIO persist.

Subscription to the newsletter

If you have filled out the newsletter subscription form on the FISABIO website, we inform you that, in accordance with the provisions of data protection legislation, the personal data provided will be processed by FISABIO to manage your subscription to the newsletter, FISABIO relying on the consent of the interested party, by filling out and sending the form and by checking the box accepting this Privacy Policy.

We also inform you that your personal data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to meet your request, as long as you do not revoke your consent or exercise the rights of deletion or opposition, and without prejudice to its conservation while the legal obligations applicable to FISABIO persist.

Regarding all processing

Communication of data to third parties

Data will not be transferred to third parties unless legally required. However, it is possible that, for the correct provision of services, FISABIO must communicate certain personal data to third parties that provide services, exclusively for the correct operation of the company. In any case, these data communications that could be carried out will be done as a processing order by said third parties, for the provision of services to FISABIO, which will imply access by the third party to personal information.

In this sense, FISABIO will have the corresponding processing order contracts with third parties that process or access FISABIO's personal data, in compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection regulations.

Exercise of rights

We also inform you that you have the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing and portability, with respect to your personal data, as well as the possibility of revoking your consent, which you can exercise by contacting the offices of the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community, at Avda. de Catalunya 21, 46020 Valencia or by sending an email to

FISABIO undertakes to respond to requests sent to it, either by email or by letter. In this regard, FISABIO will respond within one month of receipt of the request. However, the possibility of a two-month extension must be taken into account depending on the complexity of the request, as well as the number of requests. Such extension will be reported within one month of receipt of the request.

Finally, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you have the right to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority; for this purpose you should contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Data maintenance

The interested party undertakes to keep the data provided to FISABIO duly updated. When the data provided by the interested party is false, incomplete, not updated or inaccurate, the latter will be responsible for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage that may be caused to a third party or to FISABIO as a result. The latter reserves the right to terminate the services provided to the interested party, as well as any relationship, without prejudice to any other actions that may be taken under law.

Use of cookies

Obtain information on the use of cookies.

Data security

FISABIO has implemented in its work centres, premises, systems, communications infrastructures, etc., the security measures required by the Personal Data Protection regulations. It has also adopted the logical, physical, organisational, contractual, etc. measures to prevent third parties from accessing the data without authorisation, the destruction, modification, reproduction, disclosure, transmission or reuse of the same.

However, whenever you provide personal information online, there is a risk that third parties, whose control is beyond our reach, may intercept this information and use it. Although at FISABIO we strive to protect personal information and your privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of the information you disclose online and under your responsibility.

Validity and modification of the privacy policy

The Privacy Policy established by FISABIO is in force from the date of its publication on the corresponding website; the user can archive and/or reproduce it.

This Policy may be modified due to changes in the requirements established by the legislation in force at any time, due to judicial decisions and jurisprudential changes, as well as due to changes in the performance and business strategy of FISABIO. Publication and access by users will be carried out through this same site, it being understood that the relationships established with them prior to the change will be governed by the rules in place at the time the website was accessed for its establishment.