Public Health Research Ethics Committee

Research Ethics Committee of the Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunidad Valenciana (CEI de Salud Pública, CEI-SP)

The CEI-SP gives continuity to the activity of ethical evaluation of research initiated in 2006 by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the General Directorate of Public Health and the Higher Center for Public Health Research (CEIC DGSP CSISP or CEI Corporate Public Health) initially accredited by Resolution of the General Directorate of Pharmacy and Medical Devices of February 16, 2006.

It is currently accredited as a Research Ethics Committee by the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública de la Generalitat Valenciana (Resolution of accreditation of the Dirección General de Investigación y Alta Inspección Sanitaria of May 29, 2023).

It is an independent body with a multidisciplinary composition whose main purpose is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and welfare of persons participating in biomedical, sanitary, clinical, epidemiological or public health research projects, and to provide public assurance in this respect through an opinion on the documentation of the research study, taking into account the points of view of lay persons and in particular of patients.


Check the meeting calendar (link al calendario)


The CEI-SP Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) apply to the members of the CEI and its secretariat, and to all activities developed by the CEI, and are therefore applicable to researchers and promoters who submit projects for ethical evaluation by this CEI.

Download the SOP

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Frequently Asked Questions

Current forms





Request an evaluation at the CEI


Research commitment document to be signed by principal investigator and collaborating investigators


Document certifying the suitability of the facilities to be signed by the person responsible for the center or service.


Security and re-identification risk report for anonymized or pseudo-anonymized data transfer requests signed by the PI.


Patient information and informed consent form
CEI-SP06 Patient information and informed consent sheet qualitative study (focus groups, interviews, ...)
CEI-SP09 Template for reporting the monitoring of research projects approved by the IRB, signed by the PI of the project.